The Novel Coronavirus may have originated here in the United States

The Novel Coronavirus may have originated here in the United States

Jeffrey Sachs, chairman of the Coronavirus commission at the Lancet, an international medical journal, said the Novel Coronavirus might not have come from nature but from an accident at a biotechnology lab in the United States.

“In my view, this is a biotechnology mistake, not an accident of natural overflow,” Sachs said.

Mr Sachs also said that while “we don’t know for sure” that this was the case, there was “sufficient evidence” to point to this and “it should be looked at”, but that this was “not being investigated in the US or anywhere else”.

File photo: Hundreds of thousands of white flags adorn the National Mall in Washington, D.C., in honor of the COVID-19 victims.
After the news

Russian President Vladimir Putin told a summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) on May 16 that Russia has collected documentary evidence of the existence of US biological laboratories in Ukraine, which were set up to study the spread of the virus.

(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) Russian PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: The Pentagon has set up biological laboratories (in Ukraine). This is not in any way to provide medical assistance to the local population. The main mission is to collect biological materials for the purpose of studying the spread of viruses and dangerous diseases.

Russia said in early March that it had discovered 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine that were operating under the orders of the U.S. Defense Department and could be involved in biological weapons manufacturing. On Feb. 24, the day Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began, the LABS were ordered to “urgently destroy” pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera and other deadly diseases, according to the seized documents.

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with the exposure of the BIOLOGICAL laboratory set up by the United States in Ukraine, the global biological laboratory network of the United States has become the focus of attention.

According to its own statistics, the US controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world. The LABS, part of the so-called Biosynergy program, are directly funded by the Pentagon and are mostly located in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.

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