Excessive Desire and Lack of Control: Protect Your Kidney Health

Excessive Desire and Lack of Control: Protect Your Kidney Health

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney stores essence, which is the organ to maintain normal function. The kidney plays an important role in life. Once the desire is excessive, it will hurt the kidney. Therefore, the so-called gluttonous person will hurt the spleen and Qi, and the gluttonous person will hurt the kidney and blood essence, which will do endless harm. This is the meaning of a knife on the color prefix.
The kidney yang of the human body can only flow slowly if it is economized. If it is abused excessively, it will be exhausted prematurely. Those who indulge themselves and indulge in the sea of desire will naturally consume the essence and blood. It is also the easiest to hurt the kidney.
When young men and women reach the marriageable age and become husband and wife formally, moderate exercise is good for their health, but if they indulge their desires and do not control them, they are bound to hurt their health. In particular, many young people’s self-control ability is relatively poor, it is easy to appear room labor, leading to yin deficiency, damage to health.
I had a patient who was 28 years old. He came to me and said that he felt that he was in a bad state of mind, with backache and weakness of limbs. He was also in a bad state of mind and indifferent to desires. Moreover, he was prone to mental and neurological diseases such as neurasthenia for a short period of time. During the conversation, he also learned that he had changed three girlfriends for half a year, and that life was very frequent. I checked his tongue coating and thin tongue, The moss is thin and white. According to the comprehensive analysis, excessive indulgence leads to kidney essence deficiency.
According to his condition, I made prescriptions for him: Anemarrhena asphodeloides, Phellodendron amurense, Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus officinalis, Cortex Moutan, yam, Poria cocos, Alisma orientalis.
Anemarrhena asphodeloides – nourishing yin and moistening dryness, tonifying kidney, clearing lung and resolving phlegm, defecating.
Phellodendron amurense – clearing heat and drying dampness, purging fire and detoxifying.
Rehmannia glutinosa Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia Rehmannia
Cornus officinalis – tonifying liver and kidney, astringent essence solid off.
Peony skin – clearing heat, cooling blood, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis.
Chinese yam – tonifying the middle and Qi, relieving thirst and promoting fluid, keeping fit and beauty
Poria cocos – diuretic detumescence, Jianpi Zhixie, tonifying the heart and spleen, tranquilizing the mind.
Alisma orientalis – diuresis, heat clearing, diuresis and dampness.
After two courses of treatment, the patient’s symptoms have been eliminated, and that aspect has also returned to normal. The patient is asked to be abstinent for a period of time and exercise more often.
From the above examples, we can see that the kidney is the organ most closely related to sexual intercourse. If the kidney is strong, the ability is strong, and the kidney is weak, then the ability is poor. On the other hand, improper exercise is also the most likely behavior to cause kidney damage. Excessive frequency damages the kidney first, and the kidney is the most important organ for health. The function of the kidney is to store essence, and the essence of the five viscera and six Fu organs all come from the kidney, Once kidney deficiency occurs, the five viscera, Qi, blood, yin and Yang will be affected, resulting in a cluster of diseases.

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