First case of monkeypox hits Taiwan

First case of monkeypox hits Taiwan

Since May this year, monkeypox cases have been reported in many countries around the world, and there has been community transmission. On June 23, the Taiwan region listed “monkeypox” as a second-class statutory infectious disease. One day later, the first monkeypox case occurred. On the 24th, the first confirmed case of monkeypox appeared in Taiwan. The confirmed case was a 25-year-old man who went to study in Germany and is currently hospitalized. Taiwan’s “epidemic command center” stated that if the 20 contacts listed in the list develop symptoms before July 13, it may represent the official invasion of monkeypox into the island community.

Taiwan’s first monkeypox case, 25-year-old male student diagnosed

Taiwan’s first monkeypox case in Tainan City (image/shutterstock)

The first monkeypox case in Taiwan occurred last night in Tainan City, a 25-year-old male student who went to Germany to study. He returned to Taiwan from Germany on June 16. He began to have fever, sore throat, muscle pain, and red rash on the 20th. He went to a clinic in Tainan for medical treatment on the 21st, and went to a hospital in Kaohsiung on the 22nd for whole blood, serum, throat swab, and water-cooking fluid for examination. He was diagnosed with monkeypox on the 24th, and has been admitted to the hospital for treatment. A total of 20 contacts were listed in Tainan and Kaohsiung.

According to Taiwan’s “Zhongshi News Network” report, Taiwan’s “CDC” listed “monkeypox” as a second-class statutory infectious disease on June 23. Only one day later, the first monkeypox case appeared on the island. .

Tainan City Health Bureau said that the male student was quarantined at home after returning to Taiwan. Because of symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and muscle aches, the man first went to the clinic for medical treatment after the test was negative. Because the situation did not improve, he was transferred to the hospital the next day. A hospital in Kaohsiung.

It is understood that the man was quite astonished when he learned that he was diagnosed with “monkeypox”. “What is monkeypox? I have never heard of monkeypox in Germany!” The man has been admitted to the hospital’s negative pressure isolation ward for treatment.

It is understood that after the man returned to Taiwan, there was no “close and close contact”. The confirmed man had contact with his parents, brother, 10 medical personnel in Tainan and Kaohsiung, 3 drivers and 4 others. Queue 20 people.

Taiwanese netizens are furious: Why does the DPP keep putting viruses in it!

After Singapore and South Korea, Taiwan became the third region in Asia to experience monkeypox cases. The news caused heated discussions, and a large number of netizens on the island criticized the DPP authorities for their ineffective epidemic prevention and asked angrily: “Why does the DPP keep putting the virus in?”

Netizens commented angrily on the DPP under the relevant news, “Why does it keep putting the virus in? How many people does the DPP want to pay back?” “Knowing that the epidemic is serious, the door is still open, and you don’t want to harm the lives of all people in Taiwan. The most pitiful are the children.” “Whether the people on the island of Taiwan should be taken seriously or not, if there is a strange disease, they cannot be released back to Taiwan. How many more people do you want to harm!” , “It’s overseas again, the DPP is rotten enough”, “How many people have been harmed by immigration all the time.”​​

The fatality rate is as high as 10%

National Taiwan University doctor warns: community transmission is difficult to eradicate

Since the outbreak of monkeypox in the UK in mid-May, a total of 50 countries around the world have reported at least 3,598 confirmed cases, of which Europe and the Americas have the largest number of cases. 330 cases and 328 cases in Portugal, Asia is currently South Korea and Singapore with imported cases, and now Taiwan is added. It is worth noting that monkeypox poses a greater threat to children or immunocompromised groups because it can easily lead to severe illness and may lead to complications such as pneumonia or sepsis.

Huang Limin, director of National Taiwan University Children’s Hospital, said that the spread of monkeypox requires close and long-term contact between people, so it is usually limited to small groups, but if community transmission occurs, it will be difficult to root out.

Su Yifeng, a physician at the Yangming Hospital of Beijing Union Medical College, posted on a social platform, “The first case of monkeypox has entered Taiwan! Everyone, be careful that droplets may be infected by contact with body fluids! The mortality rate is 1-10%.” Su Yifeng pointed out that according to foreign research, the R0 value of monkeypox is about 2, which should be prevented if efforts are made to prevent epidemics.

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