How to “keep out potential viruses”

How to “keep out potential viruses”

During the normalization of the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, how can we “keep out” the potential virus? Shaanxi CDC warmly reminds you to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Clothing

1.1 The coats you wear every day can be hung at the door when you go home, and can be separated from your household clothes without disinfection.

1.2 Take off the shoes immediately after entering the door, put them outside the door or entrance with good ventilation, and replace with clean household shoes.

1.3 When the clothes may be contaminated, first choose physical disinfection, such as exposure to the sun for 4h to 6h or machine washing at a temperature above 56°C for 30 minutes, or use a dryer to dry at 80°C for 20 minutes.

1.4 The fabric is not resistant to high temperature, it can be soaked and disinfected with chemical disinfectant before cleaning.

1.5 Sheets and quilts should be cleaned regularly, and sun exposure should be preferred for disinfection.

1.6 Disinfectants and detergents should not be used at the same time.

  1. Mobile phone

Mobile phones are frequently used items. It is recommended to clean them every day. You can also use disinfectant wipes or spray 75% alcohol on a fiber cloth to wipe and disinfect. After wiping, let it sit for 5 minutes and let it dry naturally. At the same time, do not neglect to disinfect and clean mobile phone cases, earpieces, earphones, charging cables, etc.

  1. Mask

Note that masks worn daily cannot be reused after cleaning and disinfection. When there is no obvious contamination and damage to medical surgical masks, the wearing time should not exceed 24 hours. The mask can be hung in a clean, dry and ventilated place, or placed in a clean, breathable paper bag; if the mask has become wet or contaminated with secretions, it is recommended to replace it.

  1. Express delivery

4.1 Disinfection is not necessary in daily life. Use soap or hand sanitizer to wash hands with running water after delivery.

4.2 During the epidemic, before sending and receiving express delivery, you should wear a mask, and you can also wear disposable gloves if you can.

4.3 When necessary, 75% alcohol or other disinfectants can be used to spray and disinfect the outer packaging of the package.

  1. Frozen fresh

5.1 For the frozen fresh products bought by express delivery and supermarkets, the outer packaging should be disinfected, which can be washed with soap or wiped with disinfectant wipes.

5.2 All kinds of food in the refrigerator should be placed in separate compartments, raw and cooked food should be separated, and cooked food should be covered with plastic wrap or fresh-keeping bag. 5.3 When cleaning and processing, prepare a container for cleaning raw food, and prevent splashing when cleaning with running water.

5.4 Chopping boards and knives for preparing raw and cooked food should be used separately to avoid cross-contamination of food.

5.5 The cutting board should be washed with clean water and kept dry. It can be scalded with boiling water. If necessary, soak and disinfect with 250mg/L~500mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant.

  1. Private car

6.1 Disinfection is not necessary when there are no obvious pollutants on the outside of the vehicle body and tires.

6.2 When returning to the car from a public place, you should pay attention to hand disinfection. When passengers with suspicious symptoms are on board, they should wear masks, turn off the internal circulation of the air conditioner, and moderately open windows for ventilation. For the car air conditioner, it is enough to regularly clean the air outlet of the air conditioner. Generally, disinfection is not necessary.

6.3 The key wiping positions include: handlebars, steering wheel, center console, seats, etc. When wiping the surface of the object, you can choose chlorine-containing disinfectant, chlorine dioxide and other disinfectants or disinfectant wipes, and 75% alcohol can be used for small area disinfection.

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