How to Prevent Osteoporosis in the Elderly

How to Prevent Osteoporosis in the Elderly

Osteoporosis is a problem that every old person has to face. In fact, as long as the old people pay more attention to their diet, they can improve this situation.

  1. Black sesame seeds

Black sesame is a very good calcium supplement food, which contains several times as much calcium as white sesame. Eating more can not only effectively prevent osteoporosis, but also play a good role in health preservation.
Besides taking black sesame, tahini is also a very good choice.

2, soy

Soybeans are a high protein food but did you know that they are also high in calcium and contain a lot of essential amino acids and iron?
In addition, some other soy products are also very good calcium supplements such as tofu and so on.

3, fungi

Fungi contain a large amount of vitamin D, which can promote the absorption of calcium and effectively prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. At the same time, fungi also contain a large number of amino acids, which are necessary for the normal growth and development of human body.

  1. Salmon

Salmon and other fatty fish provide your body with plenty of nutrients that are good for bone health.
They contain calcium and vitamin D, which helps with calcium absorption.
They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Studies have shown that fish oil supplements may reduce bone loss in older women and prevent osteoporosis.

5, dried shrimp

It’s rich in nutrients not only protein but also trace elements.
Experts tell us that sea rice and other seafood are rich in calcium and that eating them regularly can help prevent osteoporosis.

6, milk

Often drink milk can obtain protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water and other six nutrients can not only reduce the loss of bone minerals to prevent osteoporosis but also enhance the body and improve the quality of life.

The causes of osteoporosis in the elderly

  1. Decreased levels of sex hormones in the body. Insufficient sex hormones destroy the dynamic balance between bone formation and bone decomposition, slow down the deposition rate of blood calcium into bones, and speed up the process of bone conversion into blood calcium, resulting in senile osteoporosis.
    During this process, estrogen has a greater impact on the bone and therefore older women have more osteoporosis.
  2. Decreased Calcium Intake As the organs of older people begin to age, the body loses a lot of calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis, a very common phenomenon.
  3. Vitamin D deficiency because many elderly people do little outdoor activities, the source and conversion of vitamin D are insufficient, which leads to the occurrence of osteoporosis.
  4. The amount of physical exercise decreases under a certain stress, the density of bone will increase the thickness of bone tissue and the density, quantity and mass of bone trabecula will increase.
    However, the elderly significantly reduce the amount of exercise and the strength decreases, which reduces the stress on the bones and promotes the disuse osteoporosis of the bones.
  5. Other factors such as different personal conditions, living habits, physical conditions, diseases and even race and region are also related to the development of osteoporosis.

Symptoms of osteoporosis in the elderly

1, physical decline hand and foot convulsions

In older women, estrogen decreases and osteoporosis can lead to low blood calcium levels and increased muscle stress and often leg cramps.
Teens are growing fast and are prone to calcium deficiency, which is why leg cramps are common.

2, chest sulky short of breath

Patients with thoracic and lumbar vertebral compression fractures with posterior curvature of the spine and thoracic deformity, which significantly reduce vital capacity and large ventilation, often have symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea and so on.

  1. Hunchback

Over time, a little makes a lot. Some vertebrae slowly collapse, causing the body to become low and arched.
Can secondary back pain affect walking, breathing and other functional activities.

4, backache

Feel backache is followed by shoulder and back, neck or wrist, ankle ministry pain at the same time can feel body weakness.
The pain area is extensive and can vary but has nothing to do with sitting, lying, standing or turning over and other positions.

  1. Brittle fracture

It can happen when you cough, sneeze, laugh, bend over to pick up a child, bend over to pick up something, or turn around.
Brittle fractures caused by osteoporosis are common in the hips, vertebrae, and wrist.

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