
FORM: 1 X 1 ML X 250 MG/ML



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SKU: 743359 Category:

Description: SESTONIL is a specialized pharmaceutical formulation designed to address testosterone deficiency and hormonal imbalances in individuals requiring testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This medication contains a unique blend of testosterone esters, including Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, and Testosterone Propionate. SESTONIL offers a comprehensive approach to testosterone supplementation, providing sustained release and prolonged therapeutic effects to restore physiological testosterone levels and alleviate symptoms of hypogonadism.

Active Substance: The active substances in SESTONIL include the following testosterone esters:

  • Testosterone Decanoate: A long-acting ester that provides sustained release of testosterone into the bloodstream, ensuring a steady and prolonged elevation of testosterone levels.
  • Testosterone Isocaproate: Another long-acting ester that contributes to the sustained release profile of SESTONIL, supporting consistent testosterone levels over an extended period.
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate: A shorter-acting ester that enhances the rapid onset of action, allowing for more immediate elevation of testosterone levels after administration.
  • Testosterone Propionate: A short-acting ester that facilitates rapid absorption and rapid onset of action, providing an initial boost in testosterone levels shortly after administration.

Indications: SESTONIL is indicated for the treatment of hypogonadism and testosterone deficiency in men, characterized by inadequate production of testosterone by the testes. It is used to restore physiological testosterone levels, alleviate symptoms of hypogonadism, and improve overall quality of life in affected individuals.

Mechanism of Action: The testosterone esters in SESTONIL are hydrolyzed and metabolized in the body to release bioactive testosterone. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, testosterone binds to androgen receptors in target tissues, exerting a wide range of physiological effects. These effects include the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics, stimulation of protein synthesis and muscle growth, and regulation of libido, mood, and cognitive function.


  • Testosterone Replacement: SESTONIL effectively replenishes testosterone levels in individuals with hypogonadism, restoring hormonal balance and alleviating symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency.
  • Long-Lasting Effects: The combination of testosterone esters in SESTONIL ensures sustained release and prolonged therapeutic effects, reducing the frequency of administration and enhancing patient convenience.
  • Improved Quality of Life: By restoring physiological testosterone levels, SESTONIL helps improve energy levels, libido, mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being in men with testosterone deficiency.

How to Use: SESTONIL is typically administered via intramuscular injection into the gluteal muscle. The frequency of administration and the dosage regimen may vary depending on individual patient characteristics, including age, severity of testosterone deficiency, and response to treatment. It is essential to follow the healthcare provider’s instructions carefully and to adhere to the prescribed dosage regimen.

Dosage: The recommended dosage of SESTONIL depends on various factors, including the severity of testosterone deficiency, the patient’s age, and the desired therapeutic outcomes. Dosage adjustments may be made based on clinical response and serum testosterone levels monitored through periodic blood tests.

Efficacy: Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of SESTONIL in restoring physiological testosterone levels and improving symptoms of hypogonadism in men. Its well-tolerated profile and convenient dosing regimen make it a preferred option for testosterone replacement therapy in individuals requiring long-term treatment.

Storage: SESTONIL should be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions, typically at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight. It is essential to keep the medication in its original packaging and to ensure that the container is tightly closed when not in use.

Side Effects: Common side effects of SESTONIL may include injection site reactions, such as pain, swelling, or redness at the injection site. Less common but more serious side effects may include fluid retention, acne, gynecomastia, mood changes, and changes in lipid profiles. Patients should be monitored for adverse effects, and any concerning symptoms should be reported to the healthcare provider promptly.

Precautions: Certain precautions should be observed when using SESTONIL:

  • SESTONIL should be used with caution in individuals with pre-existing medical conditions such as prostate disorders, cardiovascular disease, or liver dysfunction.
  • Regular monitoring of serum testosterone levels and clinical response is recommended to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

In summary, SESTONIL offers a comprehensive solution for testosterone replacement therapy in men with hypogonadism, providing sustained release and prolonged therapeutic effects to restore hormonal balance and improve quality of life. As a trusted option for testosterone supplementation, SESTONIL continues to empower healthcare providers and patients in the management of testosterone deficiency, offering hope for enhanced well-being and vitality.


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