WHO Develops Plan to Transition from Emergency Phase of the Pandemic

WHO Develops Plan to Transition from Emergency Phase of the Pandemic

Euronet, March 31. According to Euronet News Agency, on March 30, local time, the World Health Organization (WHO) released an updated plan for the new coronavirus epidemic, setting out key strategies that, if implemented in 2022, will bring the world to an end. The emergency phase of the pandemic.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

According to Reuters, the plan includes three possible scenarios for how the virus might evolve in the coming year. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a briefing that based on what we know now, the most likely scenario is that the new coronavirus continues to evolve, but as vaccination and infection lead to increased immunity, The severity of the disease it causes decreases over time.

In this base-case scenario, which is the WHO’s working model, the virus causes less severe outbreaks with periodic peaks of transmission as immunity wanes. Those most at risk may need booster shots. The virus may enter a seasonal pattern, peaking in cooler months, similar to the flu.

In WHO’s most optimistic and best-case scenario, future variants would be significantly less severe and protection from severe disease would be durable without the need for future boosts or major changes to current vaccines.

At worst, the virus transforms into a new, highly contagious and deadly threat. In this case, the vaccine is less effective and immunity to severe disease and death rapidly diminishes, requiring major changes to existing vaccines and widespread booster shots for vulnerable populations.

To help end the emergency, WHO is calling on countries to continue or increase virus surveillance capacity in order to detect early warning signs of major changes in the virus. It also called for improved testing for long-term Covid-19 to track and reduce long-term disability after the pandemic ends.

Countries must also continue to carry out diagnostic testing for Covid-19, which can help identify individual cases and guide decision-making at the community level. Countries must also track virus evolution in animal populations, according to the World Health Organization.

WHO continues to push for a goal of vaccinating 70% of the world’s population against the coronavirus, focusing on those most vulnerable to severe consequences. The report acknowledged that the current vaccine was less effective than expected in reducing the spread of the Omicron variant, but said the goals remained relevant.

As of the end of March 2022, more than 11 billion doses of the new coronavirus vaccine have been administered worldwide. But about 36% of the world’s population has yet to receive the first dose of the vaccine. ‘I think what’s developed is a reasonable, high-level, comprehensive approach,’ said David Dowdy, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Whether it can get us out of the acute phase may depend more on the virus and the implementation of this method than on the file itself. But I think the document is a good start.

Tedros said the report, called the Strategic Preparedness, Preparedness and Response Plan, is the third and possibly the last report by the WHO. The first WHO report was published in February 2020 at the start of the pandemic. (Ouyang Hong)

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